

The Bullet Journal® Trainer Certification

Open for enrollment in fall 2024.

Learn how to serve others with what has served you. For the first time ever, we're offering a comprehensive training program that will differentiate and equip you with the skills, knowledge, and authorization to teach the Bullet Journal® Method professionally.

Give others the tools to answer these questions:

  • How can I be more effective in my work and home?
  • How can I align my daily actions with my goals?
  • How can I get unstuck and make progress?
  • How can I do more of the right things?
  • How do I get off auto-pilot and do what matters to me?
  • How can I find a methodology that works with my brain?
  • ...and more


The Fundamentals: Deep dive into the core principles and practices of The Bullet Journal® Method to ensure a high standard of knowledge.

Advanced Bullet Journaling: Explore advanced techniques and customization options to enhance your teaching repertoire.

Learn in a live cohort: Group learning and teaching is one of the most engaging and powerful ways to integrate information and practice skills.

Connect with Clients: Understand your client needs, market your services, and explain the value of a Bullet Journal Certified Trainer.

Teaching Techniques: Learn effective methods for teaching the method to diverse audiences online and in person to meet their needs and get results.

Earn and display a verified badge: Feel confident in being backed by a public credential that shows you are an official trainer, authorized by Bullet Journal®.

Become a Bullet Journal® Certified Trainer if you...

• ... want to add Introduction to Bullet Journal to your existing teaching or coaching services.

• ... want to build a business and teach The Bullet Journal Method as one of your offerings.

• ... want to offer a dynamic and analog tool that can be adapted to many different client needs.

• ... are committed to completing the process in six months.

Phase 1: Intake

Test your Knowledge

Begin your journey by completing our initial assessment and intake process.

After you've successfully completed Writing for Being to become a Bullet Journal Certified Practitioner and have read the Bullet Journal Method book, you are be eligible for assessment. This phase ensures that all applicants have a foundational understanding of the Bullet Journal method and a passion for teaching. The assessment will help us gauge your current knowledge and readiness for the program, while the application allows you to share your motivation and goals for becoming a certified instructor.

Phase 2: Training

Learn by doing

First, over the course of 9 weeks, engage in live learning labs designed to immerse you in the core principles and practices of The Bullet Journal Method. These interactive sessions will help explore the methodology deeply, learn additional marketing and teaching topics, and translate the practice to different contexts.

Our expert instructors will guide you through weekly assignments, practical exercises, group discussions, and mini teaching sessions to ensure you gain a deep and practical understanding of the system. It is critical to be present to put your skills to practice.

Phase 3: Teaching

Gathering Experience

Near the end of the 9 week learning period, put your knowledge into practice by hosting Tutoring Sessions in Bujo U, our dedicated learning platform. In this phase, you'll teach the audience about a Bullet Journal topic and then host a live Q&A.

Teaching to a live audience, paired with feedback and reflection, is designed to ensure you feel confident and prepared to teach The Bullet Journal Method effectively.

Phase 4: Exam

Showing your work

At the end of the 9 weeks, demonstrate your proficiency in The Bullet Journal Method and Bujo philosophy by completing the final exam. This comprehensive assessment will evaluate your knowledge and understanding. This is one component of your skills portfolio.

Questions are based on the Bullet Journal Basics & Beyond course, the topics discussed in sessions, and are formulated in a mix of multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short-answer.

Phase 5: Practicum

Real world experience

Once you've passed the exam, you'll be granted a provisional certification, where you’ll have the opportunity and authorization to offer Bullet Journal workshops in a real-world setting for the next several months.

During this period, you’ll conduct workshops, training sessions, or corporate presentations, documented for development purposes. This hands-on experience, plus on-going support, will help you hone your skills, build confidence, and gain valuable insights into effectively teaching The Bullet Journal Method.

Phase 6: Certification

Receiving your License

Achieve full certification and licensing as a Bullet Journal® Certified Trainer.With your certification and Credly digital badge, you’ll receive official recognition and the authority to teach The Bullet Journal Method independently and legally.

You’ll also gain access to the latest exclusive resources, on-going support, and opportunities to collaborate with other certified instructors. Start transforming lives and earning a living by sharing The Bullet Journal Method with individuals and organizations around the world.

Annual Renewal

Continued growth and development

The Bullet Journal methodology and ways of teaching it are always evolving, alongside our company efforts to expand our tools, research, marketing, training and technology to serve the community. In order to maintain the highest standards and up to date education, it is important that Trainers maintain current knowledge of the methodology and offerings.

To support this on-going work, access to expanding resources, as well as ensure Trainers' investment in continued growth and learning, we require an annual renewal to maintain an active status after the first year. The current fee for access to licensing the trademarks, continuing education, resources, support, and website listing is $500 USD a year.

Bujo Certified Trainer Program – Open for Enrollment Fall 2024

Interested in Becoming a Bujo Certified Trainer?

Hop on the waitlist to learn more about our certified trainer program and enrollment.

Frequently Asked Questions

To be eligible you:

  • Need to have completed Writing for Being and received the Bullet Journal® Certified Practitioner badge.
  • Need to have read The Bullet Journal Method book.
  • Are committed to use the core Bullet Journal Method throughout the duration of the Program.

The sessions will be 90 minutes on Fridays at 12:00 - 1:30pm Eastern Time from mid September to end of November. In the Practicum phase there will be support calls on a 1-2 month basis.

Since the program is designed as a learning lab, you are strongly encouraged to be in attendance. We will be doing mini teaching sessions so it is most beneficial if you are there to participate. If you anticipate missing more than 1-2 sessions, you might wait until next time to participate.

Replays will be available for you to revisit and if you have to miss a session.

We know this time will not work for every single time zone - it will be our experiment for the beta program and we will learn and adjust from there.

We don't yet have an exact time frame for the second cohort to be offered.

The training program will cost $3499 USD. This first beta cohort will be $2999. In exchange for the lower price, we are looking for patient applicants that will give us feedback on our newest curriculum as we go through.

Being a Bullet Journal Certified Trainer authorizes you to:

  • Teach a standard Introduction to Bullet Journal curriculum for engagements of 1-4 hours.

More about official Bullet Journal education here.

It does NOT certify you to:

  • Offer an on-demand video course.
  • Train others how to teach The Bullet Journal Method.
  • Use the method in a long-term coaching relationship.

Please note that offering paid trainings or classes on The Bullet Journal® Method without certification is a trademark violation. To share the Bullet Journal practice, individuals interested in teaching Bullet Journal classes can apply for certification through our program.

We take no responsibility for any “Bullet Journal” courses, products, or services that have been purchased through unofficial channels. Our certified trainers, and programs on are the only vetted sources for teaching the method.

A digital badge goes beyond an image on your profile, and contains detailed information about your credential and enables you to effortlessly share your achievement on LinkedIn and other platforms.

What are the benefits of a digital badge?

  • Easily manage, share, and verify your learning achievements: Your badge provides a secure and verifiable way to showcase your skills.
  • Enhanced credibility: Secure verification adds credibility to your achievement, highlighting your expertise in the Bullet Journal® method. Only those who have a Trainer badge are legally authorized to teach the Bullet Journal® Method.
  • Show visual proof of your knowledge and skills: Easily show that you've demonstrated knowledge and skills through this program.

We are building on what you've learned from Writing for Being. However, it will not be a repeat of the Writing for Being experience.

The Writing for Being experience was about our personal application, journal prompts, self discovery, while the Bullet Journal Trainer Certification is much more about application and live practice. There will be much more live engagement with one another.

This experience is designed for those who are passionate about learning to share the Bullet Journal methodology through a standardized Introduction curriculum. We will explore the depths of the techniques and how we connect them to the needs of others.

Although we will discuss business topics like how to pitch the value of coaching, matching the curriculum to an audience, and so on, we will not be covering the basics of setting up a coaching or training business.

This program will be taught by Bullet Journal Certified Coaches Kerstin Schiemenz and Jessica Chung.

Each session is 90 minutes and will require an estimated 60-90 minutes of work to prepare to teach lessons and study outside of class. It is important to complete the work to stay on track and be prepared for teaching.

The whole process is designed to be completed in six months to reach full licensing.

For this Beta experience, we only have the resources to support the program in English. We highly recommend that you have fluency in English to get the most out of the program. Our replays will be have captions that may provide a strong translation.

For aspiring trainers who intend to teach in a different language than English, we will have an extra session to discuss guidelines and processes.

Every participant needs sufficient internet access that will allow them to join Zoom. A camera and microphone must be available, as there will be both discussions and group work. As we share personal stories, it is incredibly helpful to be able to connect faces to stories.

You'll also want to have a notebook and a pen to write with, of course! Although you might be a digital Bullet Journalist, we encourage you to engage in analog if that is available to you. This can be your current Bujo notebook.

In the programming world, releasing a beta version is the step before the final version. So this is the first iteration of the final course. We’ve spent a lot of time and energy creating this program, and want to test it with a live group to continue making it even better. The feedback from this group will be incredibly valuable. The program is priced accordingly.

We will require a minimum enrollment of 10 participants to run the program.

To request a refund, please email us at Make sure to include your order number so we can help you swiftly.

Request a refund before the platform opens (mid-September) for 100% refund.

Once the course begins, refunds will not be offered.

To ensure you understand what the Bullet Journal Trainers Certification will authorize you to do, plan on attending/watching the Bullet Journal workshop in August which is included in your participation in Writing for Being. More information will be announced about this workshop in your email.

Please get in touch with our team at