There is a lot of information online about “bullet journaling” and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. It is not simply “anything in a notebook” but a methodology that combines a specific system and a practice. If you’d like to learn about the Bullet Journal Method®, there are several places you can find official materials and education.
Basics & Beyond Course is the only official course for learning the Bullet Journal method. It is a comprehensive learning experience that explains the entire method for you to learn and practice at your own pace. Includes up to date information about frameworks and depth of information that goes beyond the book.
Please note that the version of the course available on our site is the only authorized version.We cannot guarantee the safety of other files and streaming platforms that claim to contain the Bullet Journal Basics & Beyond Course.
If you have seen any courses, files, or videos claiming to be the Basics & Beyond Course or a Bullet Journal official course in general, please let us know.
The Bullet Journal Method Book is the only official Bullet Journal book for learning about the Bullet Journal method. It is an in-depth overview of the method with examples. Published in 2018.
Various channels: YouTube, Instagram, blog, newsletter
Live Education:
- Bullet Journal® Trainers in Training
- The Bullet Journal Experience (Coming 2024)
- Official events in Bujo U
Other material, courses, books, products, or resources about Bullet Journal are not officially sponsored and accuracy can’t be guaranteed by Bullet Journal.
Bullet Journal® Certified Coaches
Bullet Journal Certified Coaches are able to give Bullet Journal workshops and presentations as well as work with individuals and groups over time to tailor the method to your needs.
You can reach out to the coaches below:
Kerstin Schiemenz | webpage
Located in Hamburg, Germany
English, German
Jessica Chung | LinkedIn
Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
If you are interested in becoming a Bullet Journal® certified trainer / coach, sign up below
Bullet Journal® Trainers
This group of our first Bullet Journal Trainers are able to give Bullet Journal workshops and presentations, explaining the methodology to individuals, groups, and organizations.
You can learn more about the Bullet Journal Trainer Certification Program through here.
If you are interested in becoming a Bullet Journal Trainer, sign up below.