

Bullet Journal Applications for ADHD

Francesca Sgrò - @Bujo_with_Fran 

Writing things down in a calm and focused manner, knowing all the steps required for specific tasks or jobs, leaving forgetfulness at the doorstep because now you have everything you need to remember (or at least most of it) only in one place. All of these things improved my cognitive functions, eased stress, and got me close to meditation and mindfulness than anything else.”


Joy Sanderson - @mybulletjournaljoy

“I’ve been bullet journaling for over 3 years to support my chaotic Adhd brain. I do weekly spreads to get a better overview.”



“I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 17 years old. It really became an issue in college where I struggled with time management and keeping track of assignments in particular. I’d been using a calendar on my phone, but that wasn’t cutting it. Towards the end of my freshman year, I found myself overwhelmed with assignments, projects and tests. I’d heard of the bullet journal before, but that was when it clicked. I set myself up with a future log collection specifically for chronological order of what was due for the end of the semester. Each major project then got their own spread to rapid log what needed done, which could then fill in my dallies to make sure I was doing what needed done. Bullet Journaling allows me to find time and space to do things that make life worth living.”


Crystal F. - @bujoaddictblog

“The bullet journal is an amazing tool to help manage symptoms of ADHD. It will help you to remember and complete tasks, keep track of extra ideas and thoughts, and make planning a breeze. If you struggle with ADHD starting a bullet journal is important to keep it under control.”


Esther Y. - @esthertiq

“I didn't realize that my ADHD was acting up way more than expected. This usually led to me having tasks in my head that would disappear in under 5 minutes and deadlines that never really got followed up on resulting in not so nice circumstances. Here are my methods: strict legend coding, keep different log pages of my tuitions by levels, always keep running to do lists, force/compell myself to write all my thoughts down, to journal it, whether or not it is relevant/nice/whether I wanna see it.”

1 Response

Lucy price

Lucy price

March 12, 2025

I deal with high anxiety so I hope this might help!

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