

Inside ADHD

I haven’t spoken much about my experience with attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD), and recently I’ve been asking myself why. After all, no ADHD, no Bullet Journal Method. Maybe the best way is for me to describe what it’s been like for me. I’d like to emphasize that this is my experience, and it may differ from others.

Having ADHD is like trying to catch the rain.

Imagine you're in a small hut on a wide open field. As the storm approaches, you prepare yourself to head outside and catch the rain, like all the others.

You step outside and you bring your attention to the darkening sky. The first drops fall. You catch one, then another. Soon the storm picks up, and the rain falls faster. You miss a drop, then another. Soon there are so many things raining down on your attention that you don’t know what to focus on. Do you go for the ones coming from a distance, or the ones close to you? The more you frantically deliberate, the more you miss. The storm grows ever louder...then lightning strikes.

All thoughts vanish. There is nothing but you and the lightning. Then it fades, and you find yourself soaked, sinking into the mud.

You return inside with the other rain catchers. They seem dry. You're met with disapproving, mocking, or pitying gazes. No one cares about your stories of lightning. That wasn’t the point. All they care about is the rain you didn’t catch. None of them seem bothered by - or even aware of - the impossibility of the task.

They go about their day, playing cards, reading books. They leave the storm outside. What they don’t understand is: for you, the storm never stops.

From the moment you wake, the clouds gather in your mind. By the time others are getting ready, a million drops have already saturated your attention. The tiny bump on your leg, the fly by the honey, the crack in the table, the crooked smile, the smell of the air, the word, the touch, the joke, regret, chill, worry, salt, doubt, truth, light, sun, lie...always the sound of thunder. Countless stories, countless moments, ceaselessly streaming through your mind. This is before you ever step foot into the maelstrom that is each and every day. It only stops when lightning strikes.

Sometimes it strikes outside, other times it strikes inside. Inner lightning strikes as a random word, sound, image, object, memory, or thought. You’re instantly transported to sunlit peaks, exotic jungles, or blackened valleys of singular experience that flash into existence for seconds, minutes, or hours. There is no time here, there is only it.

Sometimes the lightning is devastating, setting your mind on fire. Other times its brilliance illuminates the most wondrous things. When it fades, you return to find yourself drenched and disoriented. You’ve missed things, and you know it, and if you don’t, others are more than happy to remind you. The rain of information never stops. So you step outside day after day, desperately trying to find a way to get better at catching the rain, at weathering the storm.

The Bullet Journal Method is the result of me trying to get better at catching the rain. It all started by trying to figure out ways to be less overwhelmed by the daily data deluge. Every now and again, something worked. Then another, then another. It provided a simple process that helped me capture, filter, and channel information in a way that finally felt natural to my hyperactive mind. That was its original purpose, and it worked. Over the years though, it’s grown into something far more powerful: a lightning rod.

Lightning is a moment or thought that will not be denied.

At times it crashes down as chaos that consumes my mind with grief or fear. My hyperactive brain can be a wicked and oh-so creative storyteller when negatively charged. Rather than allowing this charge to endlessly ricochet through my mind, my BuJo practice helps to ground me.

It is said that “pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice.” During challenging times, my BuJo practice keeps me aware of the choices I’m making. It keeps me aware of the actions I choose to take, and also the stories I’m choosing to tell myself. Where I once felt like a victim to my circumstances, this new awareness has allowed me to change the narrative. It has helped me realize that though I can’t avoid an impact, I get a say in what happens next.

When things don’t work out, I no longer approach them from a place of judgment. Rather, I try to approach my failures or crises from a place of curiosity. Why did this not work? What am I feeling? What would I do differently next time? What small step can I take right now to make things a little better? Where there is curiosity, there is hope. Where I once saw dead ends, now the possible roads through a dark forest are many.

Other times lightning is something very different. It’s a force that lights me up like an atomic Christmas tree. When struck, I’m teleported into a different reality where things are crisp, burgeoning, and electrifying. It’s a place where I’m clear and completely present.

When I was younger, I used to believe that this creative lightning was totally random. I couldn't control what confiscated my curiosity. Through Bullet Journaling, I realized that it is possible to conjure lightning.

By getting into the habit of capturing and examining my thoughts, I started identifying things that brought me joy, peace, energy, things that sparked my curiosity. In other words, it helped - and continues to help - me identify things that carry a charge.

These charges can be so subtle that they're easily missed. Through Bullet Journaling, I can surface these charges and cultivate them with my time and attention. Sometimes the charge dissipates, but every so often it continues to build until...lightning strikes. It strikes as either a state of flow, or as a realization of meaning. It’s a moment where you connect with something that gives you a sense of purpose.

That’s what Bullet Journaling has helped me realize. It’s not about making sense of every little thing, or getting it all right. ADHD or not, no one can do that. It’s about putting in the work to understand why you’re doing what you’re doing. It’s not about catching the rain, it’s about becoming aware of why you’re standing in it.

When you start asking why, you begin to look at your responsibilities differently. You filter out distractions that serve no purpose. With fewer things to do, you have more time to focus on the things that light you up. Despite my diagnosis, I've found that motivation and focus come naturally when you believe in what you’re doing. It may not make things easy, but purpose provides the tools I need to persevere.

I created the Bullet Journal because I needed a way to weather the storm. But life shouldn’t merely be weathered. Without the storm, there is no lightning. I continue to Bullet Journal, because it allows me to channel the storm waters to surface and nourish the lightning seeds- those tiny mysterious sparks of clarity so easily lost in the day. These are the things that can bloom into one of countless wondrous reasons that make this thundering life a gift.


About the Author:
Ryder Carroll is the creator of the Bullet Journal®. 

17 Responses



March 12, 2025

Your story resonates with me 100%!! I was not diagnosed with ADHD until my 40s. At 60, although a successful Realtor, I still struggle with attention & prioritizing tasks. I have your book on order & am looking forward to starting the journey. Thank you for sharing!

Janie K

Janie K

December 01, 2024

Thank you for sharing. It helps me to understand what people are struggling with and how they manage.
I have problems managing because I don’t have the energy to do things. I want to keep up with my Husband and two Sons and I push myself until I collapse. I want to please them but all I get is their disappointment of me dragging behind. I get cross when I’m pressured to do more than my energy will allow. They see me as
not being a good person. I don’t seem to fit ADHD but I don’t have the energy the rest of my Family has. They can sleep four hours and keep going but I have to rest. Everyone has their own struggles. I am accepting mine. Now I rest when I need to rest. I have to rest until my energy is restored. That might take a week or I might take six months. The longe I ignore my rest the longer I’ll be in bed and not able to leave my house. I hope my story helps others to more than just cope. Make good choices and understand your body is unique and you have strong points and weak point. But you are always special. I hope and pray your Family will accept you just the way you are. Sometimes our Friends understand and accept us better than our Family.



November 29, 2024

So eloquently written. As a visual thinker I can SEE your ADHD. You explain your ADHD so beautifully.

Nikki Hawk

Nikki Hawk

November 07, 2024

Thank you so much. For the first time after my diagnosis a couple years ago I began to find clarity after reading your book, and now your story resonates explaining even more.

Ann Savile

Ann Savile

November 07, 2024


You are a beautiful creative man. Thank you for continuing to grow and expand. Our Creator knows and loves us unconditionally and He is certainly walking with you into your bright fulfilling life!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and processes. I am getting there with my Bujo! A big hug and Kind regards, Ann



September 28, 2024

Thanks a lot, mate!



September 28, 2024

Appreciate you sharing the story and it resonated…a lot of information and “rain between my ears” that I continue to try and figure out how to capture and quiet at the same time. Many thanks.

Christian Pavez

Christian Pavez

September 28, 2024

Creo que Bullet Journal cambió mi vida, tal vez para siempre, tal vez debí encontrarlo antes, no lo sé; hoy pienso que que el mejor momento es ahora. He contado a mis amigos sobre BUJO y algunos de ellos también están interesados en seguirlo. Infinitas Gracias.

Rebecca Cifaldi

Rebecca Cifaldi

August 01, 2024

Thank you for this post and the Bullet Journal system! It has helped me immensely, helps me to clarify me. Was recently diagnosed with ADHD at 55, maybe spurred on from a concussion tn years prior, This very-beginning stages practice of BuJo for me (2 months) helps me track and find the me I was searching for. Thank you!

Jeff Stein

Jeff Stein

January 15, 2024


I have followed you and the BuJo concept for many years now. Been on and off the wagon many times. I always wondered WHY I was so bad at it. I have repeated this action of falling off a wagon for my entire life. Searching, clutching, grabbing for every potential solution for me to finally get it all together to navigate a life that was growing increasingly busy each and every moment.

I have spent the past year navigating through the realization, explanation, understanding and the grief of receiving an ADHD diagnosis in my early 50’s. Seeing the 2019 publish date made me a bit frustrated why I never had seen this particular post until now… when I needed to see it. Your description of this storm is real to my life. Tears streaming down my face as I continue to confirm my feelings have always been legitimate to feeling this way for so long throughout my life.

The perspective I am feeling in this moment is… I am finally seeing that I am NOT the storm, nor the reason for the storm… I am just in it. I can choose how to navigate it, whether I want to me in the mud or build something to have some safety, protection, and shelter in the midst of a storm that will more than likely continue to the end of my being here. All the treatment in the world can help but may not remove that rain.

Thank you for being so eloquent and transparent to share your raw feelings on your journey and your giftings and ideas with all of us.

Kind Regards,



January 15, 2024

Thanks for sharing your ADHD experience. I am waiting for my official diagnosis at age 57. My mind is in constant chaos and that has transferred to my life, I’m always overwhelmed and full of guilt and I never feel good enough. Bujo has helped me keep track of things, I still make mistakes but I’m getting better.

Suzie Jewell

Suzie Jewell

January 15, 2024

Wow, your story! God is in the story 🫶🏻 I am about to turn 57 and just learned about ADHD through podcasts and friends. I just had my first assessment and going for a diagnosis. It wasn’t easy to find the right Doctor. I am so grateful for your courage and kindness to share this practice. In my first month of BUJO and already feeling so much better. Thank you. ☮️ , 🤩 and love ❤️ to you 🫂



December 07, 2023

Wow. You described what my days are like better than I could have myself. Twenty years ago I was formally diagnosed with ADHD, post-concussive syndrome from 6 TBIs, PTSD, and tinnitus, but I was given no guidance and so didn’t begin treatment until this year at age 57. Reviewing my life with the new perspective of the most researched and treatable psychiatric condition, I now see that I have lived on the “hard difficulty” setting—even seeking out or making things hard because the challenge engaged my motivation with adrenaline. Obviously, this has been hard those around me, too. Thank you for sharing your powerful and empowering story. I now realize that I have options. Thank you for your amazing work of giving the world accessible tools to living more consciously. Peace and every good to you. 🙏🏼❤️✨🌊⛵️

Corey Stickland

Corey Stickland

November 07, 2023

Dear Ryder

Thank you sharing such wisdom, what an incredible story. I found it very insightful and I look forward to learning more from you and your team

Kind wishes from South Auckland, New Zealand

Amy Greenblatt

Amy Greenblatt

November 07, 2023

That was beautiful.



October 16, 2023

I have ADHD too. Your description is exactly how it feels to me.



September 21, 2023

I like your analogy of the storm and lightning and rain. I liken it to the ocean and hurricanes, different but similar.

With the learning of things like pacing myself, because of chronic pain and illnesses, I am learning how to use the time of resting for thinking through things that are between the raindrops of the storms. It helps that I have had a decade or more to learn how to do this.

Thank you for sharing your experience with us all.

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